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强壮的英文:muscularitytonicitytonus参考例句:Rugged and poCob/kCb;kBb/n strong short-legged horse for riding强壮而腿短的马.Physical fitness is having a strong healthy Body.身体健康就是有一个强壮健康的身体。The hunters 基勒小口抿着他加了奎宁水的杜松子酒。tonus是什么意思:n. 音调;强壮;肌肉的弹性Long-term atropine treatment of school myopia can eliminate accommodation tonus, prevent or retard the progress of myopia.长期阿托品治疗能消除调节张力,中止或减慢近视的进行。 到沪江小D查看强壮的英文翻译>>翻译推荐:强中的英文怎么说>>强制性普及方案的英文怎么说>>强制性的英文怎么说>>强制用英语怎么说>>强振幅的英文怎么说>>国考

沪江英乐讯 音乐小魔女Katy Perry的I Kissed A Girl是不是还环绕在你耳边久久不绝?这个夏天,Katy又带着她的新专辑准备刺激一下你已然蠢蠢欲动的心了。首发单曲California Gurls便是这样一首让你听后迫不及待想飞去加州享受阳光海滩的新鲜热歌。Artist:Katy Perry ft.Snoop DoggSong:California GurlsGreetings loved ones, let’s take a journeyI know a place where the grass is really greenerWarm, wet and wild, there must be something in the waterSipping gin and juice, laying underneath the palm treesThe boys break their necks trying to creep a little sneak peekYou could travel the worldBut nothing comes close to the golden coastOnce you party with us, you’ll be falling in loveOh, oh, oh, oh, oh, ohCalifornia girls, we’re unforgettableDaisy Dukes,bikinis on topSun-kissed skin, so hot will melt your popsicleOh, oh, oh, oh, oh, ohCalifornia girls, we’re undeniableFine, fresh, fierce, we got it on lockW国考

官邸的英文:official residence参考例句:Executive Mansion总统官邸This is the official residence of the Head of State.这就是国家元首的官邸。My first care 官员,行政人员;裁判员,执法人adj. 官方的,法定的,正式的;公务的,公职的;冠冕堂皇的;官员的Babbitt 他是政府的要员。 It is a scandal for officials to take bribes.政府官员接受贿赂是可耻的事。 The official reception 他们既然是这个城镇的官员,这当然是他们的职责所在。 residence是什么意思:n. 住所;住宅;官邸;居住;合法居住资格resident anxieties.内在的焦虑 They reside abroad.他们居住在国外。I'm not a resident here.我不是本地居民。There are 86 species of resident.那儿有留鸟86种。They are all resident population of the town. 他们都是该城的常驻居民。到沪江小D查看官邸的英文翻译>>翻译推荐:官瓷的英文怎么说>>官场的英文怎么说>>官兵的英文怎么说>>官本位的英文怎么说>>官办的英文怎么说>>国考

The Best Valentine Gifts for a Boyfriend给男朋友最好的情人节礼物Girls of all ages try to find the best Valentine's Day gifts for their boyfriends. Valentine's Day is a special day dedicated for lovers to let their significant others kno 所有女孩都希望送最好的情人节礼物给男朋友。情人节是恋人间的特殊节日,他们在这一天互诉爱意与倾慕。要给男朋友最好的礼物,还得看你俩的关系如何、他的喜好怎样、你的预算又有多少。 1. Electronics 电子产品 Most guys For a more expensive gift, an MP3 player makes an ideal gift. If he already has an MP3 player, purchase a gift card for him to do Entertainment Tickets 娱乐门票 Most guys love going to concerts or sporting events. Find one of these events taking place locally and Guys love receiving tickets for events. 多数男生喜欢音乐会或运动比赛。看看最近一两个月附近有没有这类活动,然后买两张票用礼品盒包起来,他肯定会很开心! 3. Personal Gifts 个性化礼物 If you're国考

Having children makes you no more a parent than having a piano makes you a pianist.- Michael LevineIt is the logic of consumerism that undermines the values of loyalty and permanence and promotes a different set of values that is destructive of family life.- Christopher Lasch- Hafiz of PersiaFor everyone of us that succeeds, it's because there's somebody there to sho- Oprah - Alice MillerAnd it is time for those - Jennifer JamesThe family endures because it offers the truth of mortality and immortality Only in the family can so many extremes be reconciled and synthesized. Only in the family do And ... she's not somebody - Barack ObamaEarly rising is also essential to the good government of a family. A late breakfast deranges the - Christopher LaschTo nourish children and raise them against odds is in any time, any place, more valuable than to fix bolts in cars or design nuclear Someone isn't listening.- Emma Thompson- Sidonie GruenbergDon't hold your parents up to contempt. After all, you are their son, and it is just possible that you may take after them.- Evelyn - - Margaret MeadIn every dispute bet- Isaac RosenfeldAll happy families resemble one another, each unhappy family is unhappy in its o- John DonneThere国考