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公主的英文:princess参考例句:The sorcerer enchanted the beautiful princess.巫师使漂亮的公主中了魔法。Songzan Ganbu asked her to use her expertise in astrology and theories of fengshui or geomancy松赞干布请文成公主观察天象地理。Don't be so silly! said the eldest, you have caught it on a nail.”大公主说道:“你别疑神疑鬼了,肯定是被墙上的钉子挂着了。”: The Area bet公主在穿着上挥霍无度。The 这名舞蹈演员爱恋着公主。princess是什么意思:n. 公主;王妃All these people lined up for the Princess Princess show?这些人都在排队等候参加Princess演唱会吗?Be all these people lined up for the princess princess show?这些人都在排队等候参加PrincessPrincess演唱会吗?The magician transformed the frog into a princess.魔术师把青蛙变成了公主。到沪江小D查看公主的英文翻译>>国电集团

沪江英乐讯来自嘻哈天王Nelly的这首旋律轻松好听的Just A Dream,本周位居Billboard榜第九位。新单曲出自Nelly今年的新专辑《5.0》,这次他还会继续和Kelly RoSo I travel back, doI realize, yeah, it Number one spot and noAnd no Shoulda got that ring.Cuz I can still feel it in the air.See her pretty face run my fingers through her hair.My lover, my life. My shorty, my Cuz I kneThinkin about us, And I just hope she notice she the only one I yearn for.Oh I miss her And noCuz I Thinkin about us, If you ever loved somebody put your hands up.If you ever loved somebody put your hands up.And noIf you ever loved somebody put your hands up.And noThinkin about us, And I So I travel back, doI realize, yeah, it was only just a dream.国电集团

裙子的英文:skirtdress参考例句:Gather the skirt at the 这条裙子需要改短.A t她穿了条修身的裙子。It is a gathered skirt.这是一件打褶子的裙子。She tore her skirt on the nail钉子勾破了她的裙子skirt是什么意思:n. 裙子;边缘;下摆v. 位于…的边缘;沿边走;回避;绕开skirt selectivity边缘选择性 It is a gathered skirt.这是一件打褶子的裙子。The type of skirt is all the go.这种裙子很时髦。Short skirts are out of fashion. 短裙不流行了。Gather the skirt at the 连衣裙,套裙,女外衣,女服;穿着,着装v. 给…穿衣;为…制作服装;穿衣;看齐;使排列整齐"Dress right!Right,dress!"“向右看齐! ”She appeared at the door dressed in a coffee dressing goIt's better to dress up than dress down.打扮比不打扮要好。To be well dressed doesn't mean to be luxuriously dressed穿得好不一定衣着豪华。到沪江小D查看裙子的英文翻译>>翻译推荐:裙带经济的英文怎么说>>裙带风的英文怎么说>>確認的英文怎么说>>確保的英文怎么说>>确诊病例的英文怎么说>>国电集团

【成语来源】thief梁上君子In the Eastern Han Dynasty , there Hiding behind the beam, the thief Men are not born evil. But if one gets used to doing evil things, it " 陈寔发现了小偷,把他的家人都召集在一起,说:“人不可以不自强。人不是天生就坏的,坏习惯往往是由不注意自身品性修养所致的。咱家房梁上这个人就是这样。”The thief, hearing this, hurriedly jumped do 这个成语用来比喻小偷。【文化链接】英文中“梁上君子”的说法有很多,我们一起来看一看吧~thief / stealer:a criminal who takes property belonging to someone else with the intention of keeping it or sellingshoplifter:a thief who steals goods that are in a storepilferer / sneak thief / snitcher:a thief who steals without using violence pickpocket:a thief who steals from the pockets or purses of others in public placesprowler:someone who prowls or sneaks about; usually with unlawful intentionsburglar:a thief who enters a building with intent to stealcat-burglar:这个单词很有意思,是专门用来形容“飞贼、动作迅速的小偷”的。国电集团

牛的英文:oxco捉牛执角。kidney of bovine animals牛属动物腰子 Yoke oxen to a plo 威胁,恐吓Stinking, 我们喂牛吃草。bull是什么意思:n. 公牛;大型雄性动物;粗壮如牛的人;多头;胡说八道adj. 雄的;大型的;公牛似的;价格上涨的v. 猛挤;强力实现;吓唬;吹牛;价格上涨,哄抬证券价格;提高身价They are all bulls.他们个个都是彪形大汉。Some are bulling shares.有些人正大量买进股票以抬高价格。Like a red rag to a Bull惹人生气的事到沪江小D查看牛的英文翻译>>国电集团