
来源:网络 更新日期:2024-06-20 11:13 点击:16487

花卉的英文:flo 三色堇是我国冬春常用的草本花卉,在我国广泛栽培。 Dutch and French still-life paintings of the 17th-18th centuries sho霜冻是花卉的大敌。FloA flo床罩被缝成花卉图案。Go into the park to sketch去公园作写生.flo 开花;用花装饰;繁荣,发展;用花装饰The flo他们的关系变得更好了。This flo 花儿因缺水而凋谢了。 The flowers in their hair are pale and faded.她们发上的花朵已经褪色枯萎了。到沪江小D查看花卉的英文翻译>>翻译推荐:花花世界的英文>>花花码农的英文怎么说>>花蝴蝶的英文怎么说>>花好月圆的英文怎么说>>花蛤的英文怎么说>>国瑞

模糊的英文:vagueindistinctfuzzy参考例句:Fuzzy Logic Controls模糊控制veiled sounds; the image is veiled or foggy.模糊的声音;图像模糊、朦胧。 To blur or redden(the eyes.使模糊,使发红使模糊或发红。Vague,groundless speculation.空想模糊的、无根据的思索Smog oBscured our vie克拉拉心中充满了模糊的成见。An uncertain recollection of the sequence of events.关于一系列事件的模糊的记忆He has only a foggy idea of it.他对那事只有模糊的观念。As I 模糊不清的;含糊的;不明确的You should not make vague promises. 你不该作含糊不清的承诺。 His thought 在浓雾中,一切东西看上去都很模糊。 indistinct是什么意思:adj. 模糊不清的,不清楚的A lo咕哝不清楚的、小声的或者偷偷的抱怨;嘟哝 To make indistinct and hazy in outline or appearance; obscure.朦胧,模糊使外观或面目模糊不清;晦涩的 fuzzy是什么意思:adj. 毛茸茸的;模糊的;失真的Ho嘴边放着扩音器,你的声音会失真。到沪江小D查看模糊的英文翻译>>翻译推荐:模倣的英文怎么说>>模仿秀用英文怎么说>>模仿实物纹理的英文怎么说>>模仿别人的英文怎么说>>模仿的英文怎么说>>国瑞

沪江英乐:澳大利亚乐队 5 Seconds Of Summer 五秒盛夏 5SOS 新单《Amnesia》!让车飞奔到山林的最顶端,站在上面俯瞰城市的全景。当暖风吹过耳鼓,青春般激情动听的旋律让人更加激动不已。【5 Seconds Of Summer 新单《Amnesia》】歌词:I drove by all the places we used to hang out getting wastedI thought about our last kiss, how it felt the way you tastedAnd even though your friends tell me you're doing fineAre you somewhere feeling lonely even though he's right beside you?When he says those words that hurt you, do you read the ones I wrote you?Sometimes I start to wonder, was it just a lie?If what we had was real, how could you be fine?'Cause I'm not fine at allI remember the day you told me you were leavingI remember the make-up running down your faceAnd the dreams you left behind you didn't need themLike every single wish we ever madeI wish that I could wake up with amn国瑞

沪江英乐:这将是我为你写的最后一支爱曲。美国唱作才女 ZZ Ward 近日发布感人单曲《Last Love Song》歌词MV!歌词中“相爱容易相处难”的爱情无奈走向了尽头,锥心的痛苦唯有静候其沉淀,价值才会破土而出。【美国唱作才女 ZZ Ward感人单曲《Last Love Song》】歌词:We were never the marrying type, oh no,We won't buy dishes or stained glass lights, oh no,For a table we'll never sit at,In the house that we won't ever get,I won't wake up and pick out your tie, oh no,You won't come home and kiss me at night, oh no,We won't lie in this king bed for two,Say goodbye to us saying "I dos,"No more white picket fences,No more lace veils or vows,No more "You're the only one" 'cause that's all done with now,This is the last love song I'll ever write for you,This is the last love song I'll ever write for you,Take these roses and this Jameson, oh no,Find a subway that I can sit in, oh no,Buy 国瑞

公主的英文:princess参考例句:The sorcerer enchanted the beautiful princess.巫师使漂亮的公主中了魔法。Songzan Ganbu asked her to use her expertise in astrology and theories of fengshui or geomancy松赞干布请文成公主观察天象地理。Don't be so silly! said the eldest, you have caught it on a nail.”大公主说道:“你别疑神疑鬼了,肯定是被墙上的钉子挂着了。”: The Area bet公主在穿着上挥霍无度。The 这名舞蹈演员爱恋着公主。princess是什么意思:n. 公主;王妃All these people lined up for the Princess Princess show?这些人都在排队等候参加Princess演唱会吗?Be all these people lined up for the princess princess show?这些人都在排队等候参加PrincessPrincess演唱会吗?The magician transformed the frog into a princess.魔术师把青蛙变成了公主。到沪江小D查看公主的英文翻译>>国瑞