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画画的英文:dra画画是她谋生的职业。It is interesting to 他用钢笔画画。She dra他一整天都在画画或看书。He is painting in oils.他正在用油画颜料画画。dra 抽签,抽奖;平局;有吸引力的表演者This is a pointless dra这是一幅彩粉画。Isometric dra他的挑战没有引出回答。pictures是什么意思:n. 图画;绘画;相片;印象;状况;电影v. 描述;描写;想象It's the best picture of pictures.它是最好的一副图片了。This is a book of pictures.这是一本画册。Since then the picture has changed completely.从那以来情况完全改变了。This picture attracts a large audience.这部电影吸引了很多观众。It's a conversation picture.这是描绘一群人物的风俗画。 到沪江小D查看画画的英文翻译>>翻译推荐:画虎不成反类犬的英文怎么说>>画馆的英文怎么说>>画稿的英文怎么说>>画幅的英文怎么说>>画法的英文>>因为是女子

懒惰的英文:idlelazy参考例句:To be idle requires a strong sense of personal identity. 懒惰也需要很强的个性。Idleness rusts the mind. ——Aesop懒惰使头脑衰退。——伊索Habitual laziness;sloth.懒散习惯性的懒惰;散漫stigmatize calmness as indolence把宁静诬蔑为懒惰Her laziness is quite maddening她很懒惰,真气人He 懒惰地闲憩;懒洋洋地躺卧Joe doesn' t like to 混时间,闲荡,无所事事;未熄火;关闭工厂The tongue of idle person is never idle人懒话多The tongue of idle persons is never idle.懒汉的舌头并不闲。The protracted idleness eat at him. 这样没完没了地一天天闲混,使他苦恼。Idle folks have most labour懒汉总嫌活太多Idleness is the key of beggary懒汉出乞丐lazy是什么意思:adj. 懒惰的;没精打采的,懒洋洋的;慢吞吞的A lazy youth, a lousy age.少壮不努力,老大徒伤悲。He's inclined to be lazy.他爱偷懒。The teacher ja懒惰是他的唯一致命弱点。Most of us are lazy by birth.我们中的大多数生下来就是懒惰的。到沪江小D查看懒惰的英文翻译>>翻译推荐:懒得的英文怎么说>>榄香醇的英文怎么说>>榄仁炒鱼环的英文怎么说>>榄菜肉碎炖豆腐的英文怎么说>>榄菜肉松炒四季豆的英文怎么说>>因为是女子

带来的英文:bringbring aboutproduce参考例句:impure novels have brought and are bringing much misery on the 带来耻辱和坏名声;应受谴责的。 青年团以饰带来装饰舞厅。It 拥有财物不一定会给人带来快乐。An indirect benefit of a night light is a feeling of safety.夜里点灯带来的间接好处是有了安全感。Her smile is a breath of fresh air in this gloomy office.她的微笑给沉闷的办公室带来生气.They create mental disturbance and negative emotions.他们带来精神上的困扰和负面的情绪。The shock 带来;使…来到;引起,导致;促使;提出Bring a glass of 厚着脸皮,无往不利。On 附近adj. 在附近的;即将...的There 奇怪的是:这种陈词滥调和关于通奸的研究一样普遍。 She has a complex about rats.她对老鼠有病态恐惧。produce是什么意思:n. 产品,物产,成果v. 生育,引起,产生,提出,出示,制造To produce 财富未必创造文明,文明却能带来金钱。To produce a sound;resonate.产生声音;回响 到沪江小D查看带来的英文翻译>>翻译推荐:带劲的英文怎么说>>带回来的英文怎么说>>带回用英语怎么说>>带骨鸡腿的英文怎么说>>带盖烟灰盒的英文怎么说>>因为是女子

病人的英文:sick personpatientinvalid参考例句:The patient is complaining of acute earache.病人说耳部剧痛。An old or sick person is often feeble.老人或病人往往很虚弱。Try this on and mesmerize your patients.试试看,催眠你的病人。Diabetic patients; a diabetic coma.糖尿病病人;糖尿病昏迷diabetic patients;a diabetic coma.糖尿病病人;糖尿病昏迷,These bones are for the sick.这些肉骨头是给病人的。A patient A doctor 病人adj. 病的,有病的;想呕吐的,恶心的;渴望的v. 攻击,使狗去咬It 这些肉骨头是给病人的。The sick child 人;身体;外表,容貌;人称A 你真是个讨要的人。patient是什么意思:adj. 有耐性的n. 病人The patient did not respond to treatment. 病人经治疗後未见起色。The doctor s他变得忍耐和沉默了。到沪江小D查看病人的英文翻译>>翻译推荐:病情的英语怎么说>>病魔的英文>>病例的英文怎么说>>病历的英文怎么说>>病理科的英文>>因为是女子

邮递员的英文:postman参考例句:a postman's pouch邮递员的邮袋The postman al邮递员把信从门底下塞入。Has the postman been ?邮递员来过吗?The postman delivered the letters promptly.邮递员投递信件很迅速。The postman al邮递员送信件。He gave the postman a letter他把一封信交给邮递员。Our dog 邮递员把信件装入邮袋中。The duty of a postman is to deliver letters and parcels.送信和邮包是邮递员份内的事。The postman plonked the mail bag on the floor.邮差把邮包咚地一声扔在地板上。The lobby is empty but for the postman and his broom.大厅里除了邮差和他的扫帚以外别无他人。 The postman ran away with the dog nipping at his heel.邮递员跑开了,狗在身后紧追着要咬他。 到沪江小D查看邮递员的英文翻译>>翻译推荐:邮递协议的英文>>邮递的英文怎么说>>邮差的英文怎么说>>邮编用英文怎么说>>邮包炸弹用英文怎么说>>因为是女子