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收货人的英文:consignee参考例句:And notify the consignees of the used mechanical and electrical products of such opinions.并通报进口旧机电产品的收货人。Consignee means the person entitled to take the delivery of the goods.收货人是指有权提取货物的人。The air transport company 收货单位,是指购货合同和货运发票中载明的收货人或者货主。The air transport company 货物须经过收件人签收。And notify the consignees of the used mechanical and electrical products of such opinions.并通报进口旧机电产品的收货人。Consignee means the person entitled to take the delivery of the goods.收货人是指有权提取货物的人。The goods 把一项任务交付给某人 到沪江小D查看收货人的英文翻译>>翻译推荐:收货的英文怎么说>>收回的英文怎么说>>收购兼并用英文怎么说>>收购额的英文怎么说>>收工的英文怎么说>>回弹鞋

不知不觉的英文:unconsciouslyun不知不觉走进氢火焰会导致烧伤。Autumn glided into 一些新议员抱怨他总爱作出承诺,然后又在人们不知不觉中放弃了。She did kno他无意中犯了那个错误。 Vacuously,smugly,and unconsciously foolish.愚蠢的无思考力的、自以为是的、糊涂的愚蠢的By the time ambulancemen arrived he 他走了进来,背上背着一个昏迷过去的女孩。He himself seemed totally unconscious of his failure.他本人似乎对自己的失败全然不知。un 他不知不觉地泄露了自己的性情。 Agamemnon had unwittingly killed a hind in Artemis' sacred grove.阿伽门农曾在阿耳忒弥斯的树林里无意中射杀了一只雌马鹿。agamemnon had unwittingly killed a hind in Artemis' sacred grove and thus incurred the displeasure of the goddess原来,阿伽门农曾在月亮女神阿耳忒弥斯的树林里无意中射杀了一只雌马鹿。此事激怒了女神。Ironically, today's scofflaw spirit, whatever its undetermined origins, is being encouraged unwittingly by government at many levels具有讽刺意味的是,今天的藐视法令行为,不管起因如何,却都能受到各级政府的极不明智的纵容。到沪江小D查看不知不觉的英文翻译>>翻译推荐:不知的英语怎么说>>不只是口头上的的英文怎么说>>不只的英文怎么说>>不正宗的英文怎么说>>不正之风的英文怎么说>>回弹鞋

7月的英文:July参考例句:Today is July the tenth, nineteen ninety-t我刚在武汉商业学院完成三年的商业课程,并于7月毕业。I obtained my B.S. degree in Civil Engineering from Shanghai Jiaotong University in July, 1998.我于1998年7月获得上海交通大学土木工程学学士学位。Fans It should reach you in t另一原因可以在7月7日出版的国际经合组织“就业瞭望”年鉴里找到答案。Coming into the springboard finals on July 31 already the "7月16日试衣。July 4 is the Day of Independence of the United States.7月4日是美国的独立日。july是什么意思:n. 七月The crisis peaked in July 1974.那场危机在1974年7月达到巅峰。 The final examination comes on in July.期末考试7月份举行。That was a baking July day.那是7月酷热的一天。到沪江小D查看7月的英文翻译>>回弹鞋

晚安的英文:good night参考例句:"Good night, old chap. I'll be over again one of these days.""晚安,老弟。我过几天还会再来的。"Good night, old sport.晚安,老兄。"Good evening, ho“那么,晚安,”她生硬地说道。My lady turned round to Good night. --George Byron, American 我道了晚安后马上走了。I, rather imprudently, 好处;利益;有道德的人或事adv. 好A good appetite is a good sauce饥不择食The prompt goods have good qualities. 当场付款的物品质量不错。Be not simply good; be good for something.不要单纯做个好人,还要做个能派上用场的人。Have a good mind很想…Good gracious, no!天哪,不!night是什么意思:n. 夜晚;黑夜;黑暗adj. 夜晚的,夜间的It 店主留他住一夜。They pitched up for the night. 他们扎营过夜。 Good night, old sport.晚安,老兄。An owl is the king of the night.猫头鹰是夜晚之王。到沪江小D查看晚安的英文翻译>>翻译推荐:挽尊的英文怎么说>>挽着的英文怎么说>>挽留的英文>>挽联的英文>>挽力的英文>>回弹鞋

支持的英文:in favor ofbacksupportbackingstand by参考例句:Gave only luke支持某人的声言The proposal dre他们团结一致支持领袖的事业。Stand by支持,帮助,站在一边;袖手旁观 修正案一直受到亲民主的活跃分子的支持。 favor是什么意思:n. 喜爱,宠爱;关切;欢心,好感v. 支持,赞成;喜欢,照顾;促成,赐予They are favorable to the proposal. 他们赞同这项提议。 He has a prejudice in our favor. 他对我们有偏爱。The book received a favorable revie 支撑;鼓励;赞成;支援;供养;证实n. 支撑;帮助;拥护;支援support an actor作为一个演员的配角 singular support奇异支集 a backer; a supporter支援者 到沪江小D查看支持的英文翻译>>翻译推荐:支撑著的英文怎么说>>支撑式桥台的英文怎么说>>支撑区的英文怎么说>>支撑的英文怎么说>>支部的英文怎么说>>回弹鞋