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以上的英文:more thanaboveoverthe above-mentioned参考例句:Stay a minimum of 3 nights and receive 1 extra night free.入住三夜以上,免费一夜。This engine puts out more than one thousand horsepo团体二十人以上,房价优惠。The toK alone, using biological systems.英国每年用生物系统处理的废水在30亿吨以上。large sapling大幼树Ride tandem两人前后纵排地乘坐Steam,saute and grill are generally only used in the first pattern.steamsteam,saute,grill一般只用于以上第一种句型.more是什么意思:adv. 更多;此外;更大程度地adj. 更多的;附加的pron. 更多的数量n. 更多;附加The rainstorm is more and more more fierce.暴风雨越来越猛烈。The more illumination, the more temptation.道高一尺,魔高一丈。 There are more and more gossipers.现在传闲话的人越一越多了。than是什么意思:conj. 比,比较;与其...;除了...;当,就prep. 超过It 这可不仅仅是浴室中开玩笑的话而已。Faith is stronger than reason.宗教信仰比推理劝说更具威力. over是什么意思:adv. 下;从一边到另一回南天

死机的英文:crashsystem halted参考例句:My computer crashed yesterday.我的电脑昨天死机了。He finds the reason of my computer crash.他找到了我电脑死机的原因。Computer crash may occur if the system is out of resources.计算机系统资源不足时可能会导致死机。crash是什么意思:n. 坠落;撞车;崩溃,垮台;系统崩溃v. 突然倒下;碰撞;系统崩溃;破产,崩溃adj. 速成的adv. 哗啦一声地Their car crashed into a guardrail. The airplane crashed over the ocean.他们的车撞上护栏.飞机在海洋上坠毁.A car crash into a big tree.一辆小汽车撞到了一棵大树上。My computer crashed yesterday.我的电脑昨天死机了。system是什么意思:n. 体系,系统;设备;制度;方法;身体;次序Is the system unstable?是系统不稳定吗?It 这是一个由六部分组成的系统。halted是什么意思:v. 停止;终止n. 停止,阻止,暂停They halted for lunch.他们停止前进吃了顿午饭。The soldiers halted for a fe那个军官命令他的部队停止前进。到沪江小D查看死机的英文翻译>>翻译推荐:死活的英文>>死灰复燃的英文怎么说>>死缓的英文>>死胡同用英文怎么说>>死后的英语怎么说>>回南天

宣布的英文:announcedeclareproclaim参考例句:Japan Prime Minister Mori unveiled survival Cabinet.日首相宣布新内阁。Proclaim a republic宣布一共和国的成立Bankruptcy petition要求宣布破产The election results 政府已宣布处于紧急状态。OutlaExoneration or rehabilitation should be made kno..的到来This announcement greatly excited us.这个通知使我们大为激动。The announcement gave no details of the meeting.公告没有谈会议的详细情况。Dinner 宣布;声明;断言;申报This is the declaration.这是结束局。This is a declaration of guilt.这是宣判有罪的证明。Declarations and confirmations of declarations are to be in 他宣布查尔斯为他的继承人。The certainties proclaimed by Newton mechanics are illusory由牛顿力学所表明的确定性是一种错误。He was impelled to proclaim his doctrine.他不得不宣扬他的教义。到沪江小D查看宣布的英文翻译>>翻译推荐:轩辕十四的英文怎么说>>轩辕的英语怎么说>>轩轩的英文怎么说>>轩尼诗智选的英文怎么说>>轩尼诗百乐廷的英文怎么说>>回南天

名词:saber,epee,foilSaber is the fastest of fencing's three weapons. The target area is the en…这篇材料你能听出多少?点击这里做听写,提高外语水平>>回南天

枇杷的英文:loquat参考例句:Semifluid Extract of Loquat Leaf removes heat from the lung, dissolves phlegm and arrests cough.枇杷药膏,清肺、化痰、止咳。They brought gifts of sweets and fruits and a salted fish他们带来的礼物,是软糕,线粉,梅子,枇杷,也有咸鱼。loquat是什么意思:n. 枇杷Beside the book was a large plate of loquat seeds which Hsiao-ch'eng had evidently eaten to pass the time while waiting for him书旁一大碟枇杷和皮核,想是效成等自己消闲吃的。到沪江小D查看枇杷的英文翻译>>回南天