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茶杯的英文:cupmug参考例句:She offer me tea in her best cup and saucer.她用她最好的茶杯和茶碟请我用茶。In the fender 茶杯或高脚酒杯 Don't smash the teacup别把茶杯打了。The teacup 瓷茶杯;瓷脸娃娃He dashed the cup to the floor.他把茶杯摔在地板上。She brought the cups in on a tray.她用托盘端来了茶杯。cup是什么意思:n. 杯子;奖杯;一杯v. 使成杯状A cup or goblet.茶杯或高脚酒杯 These cups chip easily.这些杯子容易碎裂。 clutch controlling cup离合器控制碗 One's cup of tea一个人的口味That's not my cup of tea.那不是我喜欢的人/事mug是什么意思:n. 马克杯,杯子;一缸子;脸;傻瓜;易受骗者v. 拼命攻读;扮鬼脸;行凶抢劫Here is a mug shot.这是张面部照片。Gambling is a mug's game. 赌是傻瓜玩的玩艺儿。 It's like a mug shot. 像犯人照似的。 A mug of hot chocolate 橄榄球运动员正在酒吧间痛饮啤酒。到沪江小D查看茶杯的英文翻译>>翻译推荐:插座的英文怎么说>>插嘴用英文怎么说>>插证症的英文怎么说>>插页用英语怎么说>>插秧机的英文怎么说>>四郎探母

大蒜的英文:garlicallium sativum参考例句:It tastes of garlic .这有大蒜的味道。It smells of garlic .这有大蒜气味。This soup has a savor,of garlic.这汤有大蒜味。He reeked of alcohol .他身上有酒的臭味。 狮子座喜欢辛辣食物,不喜欢大蒜,喜欢丁香、肉豆蔻和欧芹口味。Both garlic and echinacea are antiviral and antibacterial and liquorice is a good immune system enhancer大蒜和松果菊属植物都是既抗病毒又抗细菌,甘草也具有极佳的增强免疫的功能。Donut, pappadam, garlic bread我们继续猜测:富可香包、英式小松饼、汉堡包、印度拉饼、椒盐脆饼、百吉卷、油炸发面圈、叭叭烫酥、大蒜奶油面包片。I don't touch garlic.我不吃大蒜。Do you like garlic?你喜欢大蒜吗?garlic是什么意思:n.1.蒜,大蒜,蒜头He is pestling garlic.他在捣蒜。BROCCOLI 瞀或蒜之类到沪江小D查看大蒜的英文翻译>>翻译推荐:大肆的英文怎么说>>大四的英文怎么说>>大水灾的英文怎么说>>大水的英文怎么说>>大竖坑的英文怎么说>>四郎探母

待续的英文:to be continued参考例句:The Italian government agreed to subsidize the price Algeria continue的过去式和过去分词Denseness is not continuity.稠密性不是连续性。Land 一颗愉快的心会享受到接连不断的节日。 The prodigal handouts should continue. 这些慷慨的施舍必须继续下去。I continued to quiz him.我继续问他。到沪江小D查看待续的英文翻译>>翻译推荐:待人接物用英文怎么说>>待人的英语怎么说>>待确认的英文怎么说>>待命的英语怎么说>>待客的英文怎么说>>四郎探母

暴露狂的英文:exhibitionism参考例句:One 自我宣传癖,裸露癖,喜出风头癖He jumped into the lake, out of pure exhibitionism.他跳进湖里,完全是为了出风头。 The exhibition exhibits articles made by children in school展览会展出了小学生的制作品。He 预看预先观看或展览。an exhibit; an article on display陈列品 到沪江小D查看暴露狂的英文翻译>>翻译推荐:暴露出来的英文怎么说>>暴露用英文怎么说>>暴利的英文怎么说>>暴力镜头的英文怎么说>>暴力分子用英文怎么说>>四郎探母

人数的英文:number of people参考例句:The rate is calculated by dividing that number by the total number of people in the labor force.失业率就是用这些人数除以总的劳动人数。The number of people going to the cinema seems to d白领阶级目前被解雇的人数比以往要多。The number of nervous disorders 可是有些州与全国趋势背道而驰。学龄前儿童人数下降。 He counted the number of people present and fetched up 数;号码;算数v. 给…编号;计算,数 The number 这是一个无理数。 人,人们;人民,民族;雇员,支持者;客人,朋友;家人,亲人v. 居住在,把...挤满人They are the un试比较person.persons,people,和people的用法The government of the people, by the people, and for the people shall not perish from the earth.民有、民治、民享的政府永世长存。The people who will be on the committee are moral, cultured, competent people.将要加入委员会的是那些有道德、有文化、有能力的人。Could it be applicable only to people in the East and not people in the West?难道只是对东方地域的人,才有价值、才有用,对西方地域的人就没有价值、没有用了吗?到沪江小D查看人数的英文翻译>>翻译推荐:人手的英文怎么说>>人事助理的英文怎么说>>人事主管的英文>>人事司的英文>>人事科用英文怎么说>>四郎探母