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道理的英文:reasonargumentsenseprinciplebasisjustification参考例句:Specious logic似是而非的道理amenable to: kindness,advice,reaso对好话,劝告, 道理顺从的 That does figure! 那确实有道理!The qualification of his policy as conservative is justified.把他的政策称为保守主义是有道理的。The teacher expounded a profound truth in common language.老师用通俗的语言说明深刻的道理。It seems illogical to change the timetable so often.时间表变动得如此频繁,似乎没有什么道理。Perceive the significance or importance of;perceive the explanation for or cause of.了解的意义或重要性;认识到...的道理或原因。The 但是这个片面道理却包含着一个本性的错误,它抑制了天才智慧。Years ago, in a small fishing village in Holland, a young boy taught the 理由,原因,理性,理智v. 劝说,规劝,辩论The authority is not reasonable.这个判例并不合理。Reasonably adv.适度地。 This is a potent reason.这是一个令人信服的理由。argument是什么意思:n. 争论,辩论;论证;论据Thi四级培训

偶数的英文:even number参考例句:Thirteen is not divisible by any even number.13不能被任何偶数除尽。There are t在印刷技术中,书中左边的、偶数编号的那些页。 Hex data must have an even number of digits in order to be byte aligned.为进行字节对齐,十六进制数据的位数必须为偶数 。The sum of all the degree is 24, an even number, 持偶数牌照的司机,在周五和周日不能出行,否则将被罚款。number是什么意思:n. 数;号码;算数v. 给…编号;计算,数 The number 这是一个无理数。Which number on the card is a prime number?在卡片上哪一个数字是最初的数字?The number raised to the logarithm of a designated number in order to produce that designated number.被升到指定数字的对数上的数量,是为了得到那被指定的数目。到沪江小D查看偶数的英文翻译>>翻译推荐:偶然性的英文怎么说>>偶然看到的英文怎么说>>偶然的的英文>>偶然的英文怎么说>>偶合的英文怎么说>>四级培训

论文导师的英文:supervisorsupervisor是什么意思:n. 监督人;指导者;主管人Be careful. The supervisor has his eye on you.小心,监察员在监督你。May I talk to the personnel supervisor?我能与人事主管谈谈吗?Supervisor tasks me finish it.主管让我完成它。He always posed as the supervisor in his department.他常在部门里以领导自居。Failure to report an injury or accident immediately to Supervisor没有及时向主管报告伤亡或意外事故到沪江小D查看论文导师的英文翻译>>翻译推荐:论文答辩的英文怎么说>>论文的英文怎么说>>论调的英文怎么说>>论题的英文怎么说>>论坛报主义的英文怎么说>>四级培训

资费套餐的英文:pricing packagepricing是什么意思:adj. 价格的Prices are advancing.各种物价都在上涨。The price is outrageous.价钱高得吓人。Prices are on the rise.价格在上涨。Price has sagged.价格已下降。The price 包裹;包装盒;包价;一组建议;套装软件;程序包v. 捆扎,打包;包装an open package未封上的包裹 The cereal is packaged in plain boxes. 谷类食品用简单的盒子包装。 I tore open the package.我撕开了那个包裹。He tied the package 运送物被运送的东西,如运输的货物或包裹 到沪江小D查看资费套餐的英文翻译>>翻译推荐:资产组合的英文怎么说>>资产转换的英文怎么说>>资产重组的英文怎么说>>资产证券化的英文>>资产阶级的英文怎么说>>四级培训

区别一:affect 与 effect 均可表示“影响”,其区别是:前者是动词,主要指一时的影响,着重影响的动作,可指一般意义的影响,也可指不良影响;后者是名词可数或不可数,两者的关系大致为:affect=have an effect on。如:To affect a policy is to have an effect on it. 影响一项政策就是对该政策具有一种影响。The ne 这条消息对她没有一点影响。注:effect 有时虽用作动词,但不表示“影响”,而表示“实现”或“产生”等。如:They effected their escape in the middle of the night. He effected great changes in the company. 他使公司发生了巨大的变化。区别二:influence 表示“影响”,主要指对行为、性格、观点等产生间接的或潜移默化的影响。可用作动词”或名词。如: 电视对人有很大的影响。It’s clear that her painting has been influenced by Picasso. 她的画显然受了毕加索的影响。四级培训