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T恤衫的英文:n. T-shirt参考例句:a tee shirt圆领短袖汗衫, t恤衫 The t-shirt is a staple item of the casual 他们以每件五美元的价格批发出售这些T恤衫。 The T-shirt ignited 玛丽用这丝线织成了一件漂亮的T恤衫。Souvenir merchandise includes one million T-shirts, t我们将考虑指定您为贵国市场上T恤衫的独家代理,为期两年Soon a slight, sandy-haired boy in jeans and a t-shirt appeared很快,一个身子单薄、沙色头发、穿牛仔裤和T恤衫的男孩出现了。Our shop has entered into a contract 我衬衫的肘部有个洞。Stop balling my shirts.别再把我的衬衫团成一团啦。That shirt 这个衬衫真是便宜货。pick shirt to pieces把衬衣撕开 到沪江小D查看T恤衫的英文翻译>>翻译推荐:SMTP协议扩充的英文怎么说>>SECAM制式的英文怎么说>>P图的英文怎么说>>PTT指的是电话的英文怎么说>>PN结的英文怎么说>>四有教师

光芒的英文:rays of lightbrilliant raysradiance参考例句:I have already seen flaunt of the Olympics gold medal flickering ray of light and five planets a red flag.我己经看到奥运金牌闪闪的光芒和五星红旗一次次的飘扬。On the tip of each branch is a circle radiating brilliant light, symbolizing the sun.每个枝杈梢头都绘有一个放射光芒的圆圈,代表太阳。A yello发出稳定的没有火焰的光芒。 Her eyes sparkled 希腊人的尚武精神依然闪烁着光芒。 Her eyes 射线;光线;一线;鳐v. 放射,辐射;照射;闪现Bear in mind that the chief ray is no 光;光源;灯;点火物;日光;角度,眼光v. 点,点燃;点着;照亮;用灯光指引adv. 轻的,轻装的adj. 浅色的;轻的;少量的;轻微的;轻的;轻盈的,轻快的;清淡的The torch 我如同灯盏迷失在光明里。The saturation and lightness of light also affect our perceptions. 饱和度和亮度也影响到我们的感觉。brilliant是什么意思:adj. 光辉的,灿烂的;卓越的,杰出的;有才能的,才华横溢的The moon 杰出显著的成功或影响。 The goalie made a brilliant save.守门员有一次精彩的救球。 到沪江小D查看光芒的英文翻译>>翻译推荐:光亮的英文怎么说>>光缆接头用英文怎么说>>光缆敷设的英文怎么说>>光缆的英文>>光刻工艺的英文怎么说>>四有教师

杯子的英文:cupglass参考例句:She delivered Pharaoh's cup into his hand.她把法老的杯子递到他手中。He filled a cup 山下有龟,山上有龙,龙还会自动往杯子里吐酒I didn't gro这些杯子容易碎裂。 This is an opaque cup.这是一个不透明的杯子。Please don't turn the cup upside do杯子破成碎片。The cup broke asunder.杯子破成碎片。cup是什么意思:n. 杯子;奖杯;一杯v. 使成杯状A cup or goblet.茶杯或高脚酒杯 These cups chip easily.这些杯子容易碎裂。 clutch controlling cup离合器控制碗 One's cup of tea一个人的口味That's not my cup of tea.那不是我喜欢的人/事glass是什么意思:n. 玻璃;玻璃制品;镜子v. 成玻璃状;给某物加玻璃The glass cut into her hand.玻璃扎进了她的手。Bring a glass of 他一口喝干了一杯红葡萄酒。Steam has fogged my glasses.蒸气使我的眼镜模糊不清。Glass should be packed in straw.玻璃器皿应该包扎在稻草中。 到沪江小D查看杯子的英文翻译>>翻译推荐:杯形糕饼的英文怎么说>>杯水车薪的英文怎么说>>杯式的英文怎么说>>杯具的英语怎么说>>杯酒人生效应的英文怎么说>>四有教师

软驱的英文:floppy drive参考例句:Connect the floppy disk ribbon cable and po现在的软驱对质量低劣的软盘也能读取。Check floppy drive configuration in BIOS setup检查在BIOS程式中有关于软驱的相关设定。floppy是什么意思:n. 软盘adj. 松软的;懒散的The floppy disk controller reported an error that is not recognized by the floppy disk driver.软盘控制器报告软盘驱动程序不能识别的错误。An African elephant has large floppy ears. 非洲象有一对肥大,松软下垂的耳朵。I have some very important documents on this floppy disk.在这个软盘上我存了一些重要文件。If you do not have this floppy in the drive the install 软盘扇区ID字符域与软盘控制器磁道地址不匹配。drive是什么意思:v. 驾驶;用车送;驱动;迫使n. 驱车旅行;大道;欲望;干劲;宣传活动The system tried to join a drive to a directory on a joined drive.系统试图将驱动器合并到合并驱动器上的目录。The system tried to SUBST a drive to a directory on a joined drive.系统试图替代四有教师

海洛因的英文:heroin参考例句:To snort po这是一种类似海洛因的罂粟籽制剂。He 麻醉瘾对成瘾药物如鸦片、海洛因或吗啡成瘾的Her heroin-addicted husband is a grief to her.她那吸海洛因成瘾的丈夫真让她痛心。Heroin is a dangerous drug.海洛因是一种危险的毒品。That area is the habitat of heroin. 那个地区是海洛因的产地。He'd overdosed on heroin.他过量吸食了海洛因。 heroin是什么意思:n. 海洛因,吗啡That area is the habitat of heroin. 那个地区是海洛因的产地。This story featured a plucky heroine.这个故事描述了一个勇敢的女英雄。He'd overdosed on heroin.他过量吸食了海洛因。 My heroine 女英雄因勇气与无畏的行为而出了名。到沪江小D查看海洛因的英文翻译>>翻译推荐:海螺红的英文怎么说>>海轮的英文怎么说>>海里的英语怎么说>>海浪蚀台的英文怎么说>>海浪的英文怎么说>>四有教师