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纪念品的英文:souvenir参考例句:out - of - the - 海报,宣传画及其它电影纪念品Do you keep many books and papers and memorabilia?你是不是收藏了大量的书籍、报纸和纪念品?A memento,as of one's personal achievements.纪念品,战利品纪念品,如个人成就的纪念品A keepsake or souvenir.纪念品或留念A precious memento of happier times幸福时日的珍贵纪念品I still have it as a keepsake.我把它当纪念品保存着。Vendors 赠品赠给的或保存的东西;纪念品She received many birthday tokens.她收到许多生日纪念品。souvenir是什么意思:n. 纪念物;纪念品v. 把…留作纪念You may keep it as a souvenir if you like.如果你愿意,就把它留下来作纪念品。His book 大量的游客涌入了纪念品商店。If I remember, I'll bring you a souvenir.如果我记得住,会给你带一份纪念品的。Vendors were doing a brisk trade in souvenirs.商贩们的纪念品生意很红火。到沪江小D查看纪念品的英文翻译>>翻译推荐:纪念刊的英文怎么说>>纪念会的英文>>纪念馆的英文怎么说>>纪念币的英文怎么说>>纪念碑的英文怎么说>>四时田园杂兴范成大

多余的的英文:excrescentexpletiveneedlessotioseposticheredundantsecondsparesupesuperfluoussupernumeraryto spareuncalled-for参考例句:He obliterated the extra letter A他把多余的字母A擦掉。nuisance parameters【统】多余参量a freakish extra toe.畸形的多余脚趾In retrospect the elaborate preparations seemed de trop.回顾繁杂的准备工作,似乎是多余的。The un无用人员,冗员累赘的或多余的人To look on and offer un那句话是多余的。Uncalled-for suggestions.多余的建议Extra s根瘤一种球状的小突出物或隆起物,如某些豆科植物根上的肉赘状瘤或皮肤或骨头上的圆丘状的隆起物 expletive是什么意思:a. 填补的;多余的n.咒骂,秽语He felt no qualms about using expletives in our intervie 不需要,不必要Needless to say, I agree.无须说,我是同意的。It's needless to say that the experiment 不用说,我家现在已被丛林包围。到沪江小D查看多余的的英文翻译>>翻译推荐:多余摆动的英文怎么说>>多余用英文怎么说>>多于用英语怎么说>>多用途网际邮件扩充规范用英语怎么说>>多用户地牢是一个地方的英文怎么说>>四时田园杂兴范成大

猩猩的英文:orangutan参考例句:The ungainly 通常手指都不够长,红毛猩猩就会以树的枝条制造工具。 The colorless or milky sap of certain plants,such as the poinsettia or milkA gorilla is just a speechless animal猩猩只不过是一种不会说话的动物。A baby gorilla clings to its mother by clutching her fur小猩猩抓住母猩猩的毛,紧偎着母亲。She stressed that only orangutans 我是激情和爱情的颜色,是红玫瑰、猩猩木和罂粟的颜色。orangutan是什么意思:n. 猩猩,红毛猩猩,褐猿An anthropoid ape of the family Pongidae,她指出,只有那些表现出自然本能和倾向的猩猩们才可以参加。"ape: any of various large, tailless Old World primates of the family Pongidae, including the chimpanzee, gorilla, gibbon, and orangutan."无尾猿,类人猿: 一种猩猩科大而无尾的东半球灵长目动物,包括黑猩猩、大猩猩、长臂猿和猩猩。到沪江小D查看猩猩的英文翻译>>四时田园杂兴范成大

薄荷的英文:field mintpeppermint参考例句:Camomile,mint,herb tea菊花、薄荷、药草茶.Peppermint is cultivated on some farms here.这里有些农场种植薄荷。Sage, mint and dill are all herbs鼠尾草、薄荷、莳萝均为药草A hamburger patty;a peppermint patty.牛肉肉末饼;薄荷饼For me it's a peppermint mocha latte. 对我来说那就是一杯薄荷飘香摩卡拿铁。Any of various aromatic plants of the genus Monarda in the mint family, such as the bee balm.香蜂草任一种唇形科中薄荷属的芳香型植物,如蜜蜂花等。Or catmint. Aromatic herb of the mint family.亦称猫薄荷。唇形科芳香草本植物,学名Nepeta cataria。Herbs are the fragrant leaves of such plants as basil, marjoram, mint, rosemary, and thyme."香草是墨角兰、薄荷、迷迭香和百里香等植物气味芬芳的叶片。Sage, mint and dill are all herbs.鼠尾草、薄荷、莳萝均为药草。This candy tastes of mint.这糖果有薄荷味。field是什么意思:n. 原野,田地;运动场;领域,专业;实地,野外adj. 实地的,野外的,野战的;野生的;四时田园杂兴范成大

Valentine's Day 情人节Date 约会Bunch 花束Rose 玫瑰Candy 糖果Chocolate 巧克力Forget-Me-Not 勿忘我Puppy Love/First Love 初恋Cute Meet 浪漫的邂逅Fall In Love 坠入爱河Love At The First Sight 一见钟情Propose 求婚Valentine Cards 情人节卡片Candlelight Dinner 烛光晚餐Heart-Shaped/Cordate 心形的Truelove 真爱Enamored 倾心的Saint Valentine's Day 情人节The Chemical Feeling 奇妙的感觉,触电Sweet Bitterness 甜蜜的痛苦A Doomed Couple 天生一对A Happy Ending 大团圆结局Sweetheart 甜心Lover 爱人Cupid 爱神丘比特Admirer 仰慕者Romance 浪漫Heartthrob 激情Courtship 求爱Infatuation 醉心Promise/Pledge/Vow 誓言Fidelity 忠心Eternal/Immortal/Everlasting 永恒四时田园杂兴范成大