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旋律的英文:melody参考例句:An insistent rhythm动人的旋律To compose a melody.谱曲,创作旋律The melody is lingering, and rich in variations.旋律悠长徐缓,富于变化。Harmonize a melody把和声加于旋律中A fugue for four voices;string voices carrying the melody.四声部的赋格曲;弦乐声部演奏旋律Its smooth and lively melody expresses the pleasant mood of life in south China.乐曲以流畅明快的旋律表现了南国生活的愉悦情绪。sugary hard rock melodies a fugue for four voices;string voices carrying the melody.Also called voice part四声部的赋格曲;弦乐声部演奏旋律也作From a door 曲调,歌曲;旋律;美妙的音乐;乐曲的音符编排The melody still rang in her ears.那个旋律仍然在她的耳际荡。The beautiful melody is lingering in my mind.美妙的音乐在我心中回荡。那首歌里词与曲配合合谐,产生了非同凡响的效果。Sing the deep vocal register of the melody with a deep voice.请用明亮的嗓音演唱第一段歌曲。 到沪江小D查看旋律的英文翻译>>翻译推荐:旋盖式手机的英文怎么说>>旋风的英文怎么说>>悬运用英语怎么说>>悬移质泥沙的英文怎么说>>悬移泥沙的英文怎么说>>四年级下册语文教学计划

服务员的英文:她扇了摸她屁股的服务员一巴掌。She slapped the 叫客房服务员送些咖啡来.The 看门人大门或塔前的卫兵、服务员或看守员adds Bush, 服务员,买单。记得要给服务员小费。 Please remember the He made a sign to the 女服务生The 她找到一个女服务员的工作。If you really 侍者,服务员;服务器;发球者Advantage server!发球者占先!The server You are currently using a POP server.如果使用IMAP服务器,您可以有多个邮件服务器。您当前使用的是POP服务器。到沪江小D查看服务员的英文翻译>>翻译推荐:服务业改革的英文怎么说>>服务业的英文怎么说>>服务台的英文怎么说>>服务生的英文怎么说>>服务热线的英文怎么说>>四年级下册语文教学计划

毫升的英文:millilitermillilitre参考例句:Milliliter is a metric unit used to measure volume or capacity.毫升是公制单位,用来测量容量和体积。The resulting solution 测这个泥浆样品,PV为20,YP为15,失水是6毫升。9PF-TEMP are used to reduce API fluid loss less than 5 ml.PF-TEMP用于将API失水降到低于5毫升。1,350 grams of Dye No.1 are milled for 6 hours in a ball mill 毫升容量单位,等于千分之一升0 ml of this dispersion is combined 1000毫升等于1升。Milliliter is a metric unit used to measure volume or capacity.毫升是公制单位,用来测量容量和体积。A unit of capacity or volume equal to 16 tablespoons or 8 fluid ounces .Using the recommended 30 seconds of percolation, a skilled barista produces about 30 milliliters of dense coffee liquor covered by the all-important crema.用上一般建议的30秒萃取时间,有经验的咖啡吧师傅就能制作出约30毫升的浓缩咖啡,上头覆盖著一层重要无比的克丽玛。millilitre是什么意思:n. 毫升,千分之一公升到沪江小D查看毫升的英文翻译>>翻译推荐:毫米波的英文怎么说>>毫毛的英文>>毫厘的英语怎么说>>毫雷姆的英文怎么说>>毫克的英文怎么说>>四年级下册语文教学计划

卸载的英文:uninstall参考例句:Uninstall and reinstall your modem卸载并重新安装调制解调器A crane 卸载文件必须保存在本地硬盘上。No serial device 串行设备初始化不成功。串行驱动程序将卸载。The unloading curve normally falls belo如果该结构为弹性者,那么在加载和卸载时力位移曲线遵循相同的迹线。Bycatch must not be discarded. Instead it must be landed and recorded as part of that boat’s quota.副捕获物不允许丢弃,相反它必须上岸卸载并做为这艘船的配额的一部分被记录。uninstall是什么意思:v. 卸载软件;安顿,安置;使…正式就职If games are a distraction for you, consider uninstalling them.如果游戏让你分心,就不要在电脑上安装游戏。The uninstall files must is save on a local hard drive.卸载文件必须保存在本地硬盘上。Then choose command prompt only,and run uninstal from the command prompt.然后仅选择命令提示符,并在命令提示符下运行UNINSTAL。If you don't like the program, just uninstall it and forget it.如果你不喜欢这个程序,就卸载掉算了。到沪江小D查看卸载的英文翻译>>翻译推荐:卸下的英文怎么说>>卸扣的英文怎么说>>卸货的英文怎么说>>卸荷板的英文怎么说>>卸掉的英文怎么说>>四年级下册语文教学计划