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新华社的英文:Xinhua ne Heng late Saturday after a nation Heng late Saturday after a nation 新闻,报导;新闻人物,新闻事件That ne 这是一次新的冒险。The ne 代理行;代理业务;中介;公众服务机构agency dispatcher专业行政部门调度员 a tourist agency旅行社an agency of the executive branch of government.政府的行政分部的一个专业行政部门。 到沪江小D查看新华社的英文翻译>>翻译推荐:新贵的的英文怎么说>>新贵用英文怎么说>>新规定的英文怎么说>>新雇员的英语怎么说>>新股初始公开发行的英文怎么说>>四川绵阳天气

激活码的英文:n. active codingactive是什么意思:adj. 活跃的,积极的;现行的;主动的n. 积极分子She is an active participant in this activity.她积极参与这项活动。They are union actives.他们是工会积极分子。contamination activity污染放射性 He took an active part in the extracurricular activities in the school.他积极参加学校的课外活动。The students take an active part in the school activities.同学们都积极参加学校组织的各项活动。coding是什么意思:v. 的现在分词形式;把...编码Can you break the code?你能破解这个密码么?The histone code 每份订单都单独编号。You must abide the high访问码无效。到沪江小D查看激活码的英文翻译>>翻译推荐:激活剂解离系统的英文怎么说>>激活公式的英文怎么说>>激活的英文怎么说>>激化的英文怎么说>>激光鹰的英语怎么说>>四川绵阳天气

进度条的英文:progress barprogress是什么意思:n. 进步,进展;前进;增长;进化v. 发展;促进;前进;进行progressive tenseph.1. 【语】进行时态,进行式 innovative progress开拓进展 The road construction 不满足是进步的第一步。This is a progressive course in English study.这是英语学习的渐进课程。bar是什么意思:n. 条,棒,杆;栅栏;酒吧间v. 闩上;阻挡;排斥To exclude or shut out;bar.把…排除在外;把…排除在外,不予考虑 To exclude or rule out;bar.除去,排除;排斥 She is reading for the bar exam.她正在攻读律师专业。 They all went bar me.除我之外,他们都去了。 Cruise the Bars and Ballrooms for girls猎艳于酒吧和舞厅 到沪江小D查看进度条的英文翻译>>翻译推荐:进度表用英文怎么说>>进度的英语怎么说>>进出口商品交易会的英文怎么说>>进出口商会的英文怎么说>>进出口经理的英文怎么说>>四川绵阳天气

宫保鸡丁的英文:1.Kung Pao Chicken2.Diced Chicken 正宗的宫保鸡丁是带点荔枝味的,必须稍带甜味。pao是什么意思:POLYNESIAN AIRLINE OPERATIONS LTD. 玻利尼西亚航空公司The fortified village referred to 鸡肉的;胆怯的Don't be a chicken!别当个懦夫!Three of the chickens hatched today.今天有三只小鸡出壳。I made a chicken sandwich. 我做了个鸡肉三明治。到沪江小D查看宫保鸡丁的英文翻译>>翻译推荐:宫保凤尾虾的英文>>宫保豆腐的英文怎么说>>宫保带子的英文怎么说>>宫保大虾肉的英文怎么说>>攻占的英文怎么说>>四川绵阳天气

You are _________ careful than your brother. You t not more B. no more C. not less D. no less选对此题,至少要弄清两点:一是下文的语境,二是 not more than, no more than等结构的含义。下文说You t. than = 不如......不比较以下各句的意思:You are more careful than he is. 你比他仔细。You are not more careful than he is. 你不如他仔细。You are no more careful than he is. 你和他一样不仔细。You are less careful than he is. 你不如他仔细。You are not less careful than he is. 你比他仔细。You are no less careful than he is. 你和他一样仔细。综合以上分析,上面一题的最佳答案应是B。四川绵阳天气