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好吃的英文:tastydeliciouspalatable参考例句:Yum...恩...The grapes are delicious but very seedy.葡萄好吃是好吃,就是子儿太多.Try a hot cake, so nice.尝尝薄煎饼,很好吃。Horrid food不好吃的食物许多西方人认为,白嫩的鸡脯肉是鸡身上最好吃的部分。artichoke, Signo 美味的;有品味的;有趣的Tasty, but not too gamey.很可口,但不太鲜美。That is a light, tasty dessert.那是一道清淡可口的甜点。 This fish is very tasty. 这鱼很可口。 delicious是什么意思:adj. 美味的,可口的The lobster is delicious.龙虾肉特别美味。It smells delicious.闻起来很香。a choice or delicious dish.一件精选品或一道美味菜。 palatable是什么意思:adj. 可口的,合意的,认可的I have a good palate for fine 大多数文章谈不上适合更多人的胃口。Where is the palatable milk? Where is the delicious bread?美味的牛奶在哪里?可口的面包在哪里? 到沪江小D查看好吃的英文翻译>>翻译推荐:好不容易用英文怎么说>>好不好的英文怎么说>>好不的英文>>好表现用英文怎么说>>好比的英语怎么说>>四川省社会科学院

沪江英乐:Lady Gaga 最新 MV《G.U.Y》!在欲望爱神厄诺斯的问候下,异国风情的群舞中女神银发现身。仿佛置身于古老的魔幻世界,黑暗墓穴即将开启鱼水之欢片刻,让所有思谋和才智尽失在心怀深处。转身离开成为爱的掌控者,成为你的G.U.Y。【Lady Gaga 最新 MV《G.U.Y》】歌词:Greetings from ErosGod of sexual desireSon of AphroditeLay back and feast as this audio guides you through neY.Yeah I Y.I Y.I Y.The girl under you, G.U.Y.I'm gonna say the R.LGot our romance and loves to hold youKnoY.I Y.I Y.The girl under you, G.U.Y.I don't need to be on top to knoY.I'll lay doY.I Y.I Y.I Y.The girl under you, G.U.Y.I Y.I'll Y.I'll lie doY.The girl under you, G.U.Y.Achtzehn, sechzenFourteen, vierzehnDrei einsNein Zedd!Nein Zedd!Nein Zedd!Nein Zedd!四川省社会科学院

旅行团的英文:touring party参考例句:He is the tour conductor 他是旅行团的向导,张先生。Do you mind travelling 旅行团的一些行李在运输过程中丢失了。Tour operator is discounting price on package holidays .旅游经营者目前包价旅行团的价格打折扣。 If you have any problem, contact the tour conductor.如果你有任何难题,和旅行团向导联络。A trained nurse 鉴于汇率一再下跌,我们不得不对部分旅行团收取额外费用。touring是什么意思:adj. 游览的;游客的;巡回的n. 转动;游览v. tour的ing形式;旅行It 我当旅游向导。这里有一个非全日导游的职位。The details of the tour are incorrect and the publicity has to be changed.有关此次旅游的详细情况有误,宣传材料应做改变。到沪江小D查看旅行团的英文翻译>>翻译推荐:旅行社用英文怎么说>>旅行结婚的英文怎么说>>旅行轿车的英文怎么说>>旅行代办员的英文怎么说>>旅行的英语怎么说>>四川省社会科学院

随着一年一度的研究生入学考试的结束,2015年的研究生入学考试慢慢临近,现在2015年考研的同学最关心的就是今年的真题了,所以我们在这里给出今年考研英语 for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on ANS A number of studies have 1 that normal- For example, heavier Of even greater 5 is the fact that obesity turns out to be very difficult to define. It is often defined 6 body mass index, or BMI. BMI 7 body mass divided by the square of height. An adult And over 30 is considered obese. Obesity, 8 ,can be divided into moderately obese, severely obese, and very severely obese. Some people Conversely, someone The overTeachers,employers,and health professionals have been shoNegative attitudes to Many employers have instituted 1. denied conduced doubled ensured2. protective dangerous sufficient troublesome3. Instead Ho impact relevance assistance concern6. in terms of in case of in favor of in of7. measures determines equals modifies8. in essence in contrast in turn in part9. complicated conservative variable straightfor shape spirit balance taste12. start quality retire stay13. strange changeable normal constant14. option reason opportunity tendency15. employed pictured imitated monitored16. compare combined settled associated17. Even Still Yet Only18. despised corrected ignored grounded19. discussions businesses policies studies20. for against with without四川省社会科学院

感叹号的英文:exclamatory markexclamatory point参考例句:This is a 140 meters high 她的女性特点异常突出,他看得眼睛都发直了。mark是什么意思:n. 符号;记号;分数,成绩;污点;迹象v. 做记号;做标记;表明方位;标志;庆祝Marking: Every package shall be marked 有斑点,成斑驳用点作标记或使斑驳杂色 point是什么意思:n. 点;标点;要点;尖端;得分v. 削尖;指向;加标点于;表明That is not the point in question. 那不是要考虑的要点。 orientation point方位点 A score made on a try for a point or points after a touchdown.触地得分在触地后再次发球所得的一分或几分到沪江小D查看感叹号的英文翻译>>翻译推荐:感叹的英文怎么说>>感受性的英文怎么说>>感受器的英文怎么说>>感受的英文怎么说>>感人的号召的英文怎么说>>四川省社会科学院