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屠呦呦致信比尔盖茨(中英指组词 全文)

更新日期:2017-03-25 10:07:16来源:网络点击:705255














March 16, 2017

Dear Mr. Gates,

Please accept my warmest welcome ahead of your visit to Beijing. I am very grateful for your and the Gates Foundation's invitation to attend the speech you will be giving at my alma mater. However, I am reluctant to say that I will not be able to attend due to health reasons.

In spite of the positive impact of science and technology, global development today is unequal. You have been a strong advocate for the importance of innovation and have called upon pioneering institutions and individuals to use innovative solutions to address the needs of the poor. I greatly admire your devotion to helping the disadvantaged, and I am sure the audience will share my sentiments.

Human beings are constantly faced with the threat of disease and other health challenges. My team and I are continuing our research into artemisinin's mechanism of actions and its new indications, as well as promoting the development and application of traditional Chinese medicine. We believe that China's innovation and successful experience in malaria control can be applied to other developing countries to save more lives. You personally, and the Gates Foundation, have been focused on the prevention and control of critical infectious diseases, such as malaria and tuberculosis, that pose huge challenges to the lives and health of the poor. I greatly admire your constant efforts and share the belief you expressed in your 2017 annual letter: the future will surprise the pessimists. You and the Gates Foundation are indeed making an extraordinary contribution to the bright future of human health.

Mr. Gates, we share the same hope for a better tomorrow and are convinced that it is within reach. I hope that the younger generation will take up the mantle of caring for the world with ability and integrity, look to the power of innovation when faced with challenges, and contribute to the wellbeing of all humankind.

Yours sincerely,

TU Youyou

Professor and Director

Artemisinin Research Center

Chinese Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences


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