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I know you h陈家康 ave been loving me

更新日期:2018-11-05 09:26:26来源:网络点击:393189

I know You have been loving me
Your love
Is felt like soft ripples in a lake.
Held in your hands,
I am a lotus flower of your creation.
You paint me whity
You paint me pinky.

When hard wind blows my yellow heart
Your tears fall

I know you have been loving me
Your love has always kept me fresh
When I withered
You make me blossom once again, year after year

I know you have been loving me
Your chest is wider than the ocean
I am a foam in the warmth of your hug
I follow your ups and downs
I change with your switch in colors
Bright, gail, brilliant
Never fade

I know you have been loving me
You pardon my irrors
You strong my weakness
Your tender touch on my soul turns every coldness into a warm fire

How many lovers become exes
How many life-long swears gone with the wind
Only You keep your Love unchanged.

I know you have been loving me
Your Love from the Cross lights up countless lives,
Shines the stars,
Passes me into your eternity

作者 方惠 翻译 姜营
QQ 727769087


意志的出现不是对愿望的否定意志的出现不是对愿望的否定。而是把愿望合并和提升到一个更高的意识水平上。 早起。告诉自己。内心笃定。就没有什么能把你打败。..


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