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更新日期:2018-10-14 18:41:52来源:网络点击:281608

Eyes large and firm,eyebrow sharp and deep,without hair on the forehed,the teeth missing something,always smiling.
Young,sunshine,heath,vitality,passion,ambition,some beautiful,some sweet,some Choi,Choi Chinse.
I like the simple beauty,I like simple good,I like the simple beauty,I like the simple life.
Cherish each other while moving on together.Strive to do their own style,showing the sun.
I believe I am,I believe that youth has no horizon,in the sunset of the sea,I do believe.
In the morning,enjoy a happy happy.At the dusk,to meet life.


与过去的暗恋——告别我们从小就在同一个班。小学。初中。 是在初一还是初二的哪一次家长会来着?我不记得了……但我记得你妈妈和我爸说过这样一句话:“呵呵。他们两个从幼儿园就在一个班。没想到这么有缘分。这时候了。还在一个学校..


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