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春夜 OST Part.4:山形瑞秋——“We Could列车时刻表下载 Still Be Happy”歌词

更新日期:2019-06-22 02:01:13来源:网络点击:629406

春夜 OST Part.4:山形瑞秋——“We Could Still Be Happy”

春夜最新ost名单曝光,在之前几首ost的基础上又增加了第4首,又是山形瑞秋的,英文歌——We Could Still Be Happy,今天将会公开音源,目前微博上专门的cut,有点小伤感,适合悲伤的时候听。

春夜 OST Part.4:山形瑞秋——“We Could Still Be Happy”歌词

【丁海寅、韩志旼《#春夜#》OST Part.4今日公开——山形瑞秋(Rachael Yamagata)“We Could Still Be Happy”】





and the birds foegot to say

we could still be happy

We Could Still Be Happy歌词


We Could Still Be Happy - Rachael Yamagata

春夜 OST Part 4

If the rain no longer fell

and the flowers

wasted to the ground

If the stars no longer shone

and the breeze died down

You and I

we could still be happy

If the writers lost their words

and the blue fell from the sky

And the dreamers

lost their nerve

and the seas went dry

You and I

we could still be happy

If the world forgot

to turn around again

and the winter never

knew to change to spring

And the birds forgot to sing

We could still be happy

If I lost my memory

and forgot my name

If the road that led back home

could not be found again

If the fires burned out

and we could not stay warm

If the world forgot

to turn around again

and the winter never

knew to change to spring

And the birds forgot to sing

We could still be happy

The fallen rain may

wash our home away

But we remain protected

just the same


We won’t want for anything

If the world forgot

to turn around again

and the winter never

knew to change to spring

It wouldn’t mean a thing

We could still be happy

If the clock stopped telling time

If the money all ran out

We could still be happy

If the clock stopped telling time

If the money all ran out

We could still be happy

春夜 OST Part.4:山形瑞秋——“We Could Still Be Happy”歌词

19日晚上《春夜》将播出第17-18集,日前官方也发布了最新剧照,第17,18 集中,韩智敏(李静仁)与丁海寅(刘志浩)注视着对方,移不开眼。并用温暖的微笑实现交感的样子也让观众心动。


春夜 OST Part.4:山形瑞秋——“We Could Still Be Happy”歌词






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