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韩剧春夜ost no direction歌凌云小说免费阅读 词 no direction是谁唱的

更新日期:2019-06-21 21:14:39来源:网络点击:628761

春夜ost no direction歌词


韩剧春夜ost no direction歌词 no direction是谁唱的

No Direction - Rachael Yamagata:

When we look back on these days

When the stories are

all that remain

Will we be more

than the voices in our heads

What will we spend on regret

How far will we go to forget

Baby it’s too soon to tell

where the story will end

Where do we go from here

Are we dreamers

without a direction

Taking a chance

even if we get knocked

to the ground

Is it enough to believe

Is it enough to surrender

It’s just the beginning

We can’t turn our backs

on this now

I’m not a stranger to pain

Been hurt but I learned my lesson

Let’s go the distance

‘cause baby I’m all in

I’m not afraid of the future

Won’t be held down by the past

I need to know

if you’re with me now at last

Where do we go from here

Are we dreamers

without a direction

Taking a chance

even if we get knocked

to the ground

Is it enough to believe

Is it enough to surrender

It’s just the beginning

We can’t turn our backs

on this now

Where do we go from here

Are we dreamers

without a direction

Taking a chance

even if we get knocked

to the ground

Is it enough to believe

Is it enough to surrender

It’s just the beginning

We can’t turn our backs

on this now

Where do we go

Where do we go from here

Where do we go from here

Where do we go from here


韩剧春夜ost no direction歌词 no direction是谁唱的

山形瑞秋(Rachael Yamagata,1977年9月23日-)是名美国创作歌手。山形瑞秋的父亲是第三代日裔美国人,母亲则有意大利与德国血统。她的作品有《BeBeYourLove》、《WornMeDown》等。


韩剧春夜ost no direction歌词 no direction是谁唱的

在瑞秋整个音乐生涯里,人们对她的印象似乎已经被她曾发行过的三张专辑和五张EP定格。《Dealbreaker》《You Won't Let Me》《Love Hurts》等令人心碎的歌曲形成了人们对瑞秋的既定印象。她曾说“我总是通过写歌来理清我的感情和我经历、眼见的一切,写歌已经成了我将痛苦转化释怀的途径。沉浸在心碎中对我来说是一件有趣的事情”。


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