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Hamlet两个中译本的比较百度寻人 研究

更新日期:2016-07-01 10:41:42来源:网络点击:540259
摘 要:莎士比亚戏剧的魅力在于它运用了大量修辞,此特点在哈姆雷特中尤为突出。因此这也成为哈姆雷特吸引读者和观众的理由之一。本篇论文就朱生豪和梁实秋对哈姆雷特翻译的异同比较进而研究其中的修辞。
关键词:哈姆雷特 中文版本 修辞
Shakespeare’s plays are attractive and last for a long time partly for his rhetorical uses in the plays. According to the incomplete statistics, there are more than t The study Hamlet is the one among Shakespeare’s plays
Alliteration refers to the use of the same consonant at the beginning of each stressed syllable in a line of verse. Shakespeare did extraordinarily
Shakespeare repeated the There is no such a rhetorical device in Chinese, ho
And he repell’d, a short tale to make,
Fell into a sadness, then into a fast,
Thence to a But his language is so fluent and smooth that the audiences or readers may take it for that Polonius is really eloquent. Liang’s version is the equivalent translation.
The translation of the rhetorical figures of speech sho He translated in vernacular prose and his oral language make it easy for the readers or audiences to understand. There are also some obscene
There are no such distinguishing features in Zhu’s version. But Zhu’s languages are beautiful and elegant, and his As for some obscure Hamlet translated by Liang Shiqiu. 中国广播电视出版社,2001.
朱升豪《哈姆雷特》中国国际广播出版社 2001
梁实秋《莎士比亚四大悲剧》中国广播电视出版社 远东图书公司2002



对有偿新闻的思考摘 要:文章从现代媒体经营情况下出现的不良现象-“有偿新闻”,来讨论有偿新闻的本质、表现形式、以及危害性和产生有偿新闻的原因,并倡导现代媒体要自我控制和自律调节,认真履行职业规范,遵守社会道德,从根源上遏..

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