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Oscars 2020 Nominations Announcsls.cdb.com.cn ced. 2020年奥斯卡提名大揭晓

更新日期:2020-01-15 16:14:17来源:网络点击:1533421


1. Best Picture 最佳影片

Ford V Ferrari 极速车王

Jojo Rabbit少年乔乔的异想世界



Forever alone in a crowd, failed comedian Arthur Fleck seeks connection as he walks streets of Gotham city. Arthur wears two masks—the one he paints for his day job as a clown, and the guise he projects in a futile attempt to feel like he is part of the world around him. Isolated, bullied and disregarded by society, Fleck begins a slow descent into madness as he transforms into the criminal mastermind known as the Joker. 失败的、孤独的小丑亚瑟弗兰克游荡在哥谭市的街上试图寻找到一丝安慰。亚瑟带着两幅面具,一副是他白天作为小丑涂在脸上的面具,一副则是他试图感受他仍属于这个世界的伪装 。孤立无援、饱受欺辱、被社会抛弃,弗兰克走上了成为罪恶大佬的不归路,他被外人熟知为The Joker.

重点解读:1.guise:伪装a way in which sb appears, often in a way that is different form usual.

2. futile:无用的 having no purpose because there is no chance of success

3.descent: 沦落、下降 the act of going down.


Little Women小妇人

Marriage Story婚姻故事


Once Upon a Time...in Hollywood好莱坞往事

Parasite 寄生虫

2.Best Actor 最佳男主

Antonio Banderas- Pain and Glory

Leonardo DiCaprio- Once Upon a Time...in Hollywood

Adam Driver- Marriage Story

Joaquin Phoenix-Joker

Jonathan Pryce- The Two Popes

3.Best Actress 最佳女主

Cynthia Erivo- Harriet

Scarlett Johansson- Marriage Story

Saoirse Ronan-Little Women

Charlize Theron-Bombshell

Renee Zellweger-Judy


best supporting actor/actress-最佳 男配角 /女配角

best adapted screenplay-最佳改编剧本

best original screenplay-最佳原创剧本

best animated feature-最佳动画片

best cinematography 最佳摄影

best costume design 最佳服装设计

best documentary feature最佳纪录片

best editing最佳剪辑

best international feature film最佳国际故事片

best make-up and hairstyling最佳化妆造型

best original score最佳电影配乐

best original song 最佳原创歌曲

best production design最佳制作设计

best sound editing最佳音效剪辑

best sound mixing 最佳混音

best visual effects最佳视觉效果

best animated short最佳动画短片

best documentary short 最佳纪录短片

best live action short最佳纪实短片

哇,终于介绍完了这长长的清单。Mia最期待的赢家是Marriage Story,你心目中的黑马是谁?是哪部电影呢?

[Have fun learning English with Mia]




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