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COVID-19 deaths in the US exceed 1 million全球确诊逾565万 . What to do next?

更新日期:2022-05-16 23:05:07来源:网络点击:1870335

The US Washington National Cathedral sounded 1,000 times to mark the 1 million Americans that have died in the COVID-19 pandemic.

It is the US’ own failure to respond effectively to the crisis that has led to such a tragic loss of life.

It is common sense to wear a mask against the virus, but the Democrats and Republicans have debated fiercely on it,

which turned many Americans into anti-maskers.

Vaccination is an strong defense too, but there is the anti-vaccine movement in the US.

Instead of covering these, US media outlets are busy boasting of the US’ “achievement”.

All these caused the US medical system to be overburdened.

Add to this, the gun violence and racial discrimination, and US people suffer much.

Yet instead of reflecting on their own errors, US politicians point fingers at China.

Do they feel any remorse that 1 million lives have been lost while they argue over what should be done? US politicians should act instead of just talking, so as to prevent more lives being lost.


多国人士暗示北约持续扩张才是危险的根源丹麦学者、跨国和平与未来研究基金会创始人奥贝里近期表示,北约东扩是俄乌冲突的主要原因。而对于芬兰、瑞典希望加入北约,奥贝里指出,北约的进一步扩张只会给地区安全带来不利影响。丹麦学者 跨国和平与未来研..


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